How does the idea of paying off your mortgage within 3 to 8 years sound? Cut out 25 years or so of mortgage repayments from your life?

Our team can implement investment strategies so that you can pay off your mortgage within 3 to 8 years. Most people find that their mortgage is a burden around their neck.  For far too long it has been commonly understood and accepted that you must go to work every day and pay off that mortgage. In addition, recent times have seen both couples working, one to pay off the mortgage and one to provide living income.

Mark Taylor, through over 33 years of working as a debt reduction specialist has honed his skills at using equity to invest into property carefully and wisely. Mark and his team, known as the mortgage eliminators, carefully choose investment properties that have high potential in capital growth and rental return. This is achieved through years of experience looking for signs and signals that the team has learnt to recognise.

As a successful investment portfolio is created and built upon, the potential for using income from the investments to help pay off your mortgage increases. Generally it is considered best practice to pay off any personal debts before debts incurred due to investment reasons. This is because any investment debt (e.g. property investment loan) is tax deductible whereas a personal mortgage will not be.

The “mortgage eliminators” will design an investment strategy based on your current financial situation and your goals. They know how to get mortgages paid off fast and during the free consultation they can explain in detail how they can do that for you and answer any questions that you may have.

You have nothing to lose by spending an hour with Mark and his team.