Building Wealth Through Investment Property

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Building Wealth Through Investment Property

Many couples are keen to ensure that they have the perfect nest egg in place for their retirement – a nice safety net of savings, investments and collectables. There are many different ways to do this that allow couples to enjoy more than a pension in later years. A broad portfolio of investments and options broadens the potential and lessens the risk if one venture fails. This means stocks, wine collections, precious metals, property and more. Building wealth through investment property is a great solution for those that understand the market.

Why property?

Property is a great form of investment and building wealth through investment property for a retirement fund does more for future retirees than sit there gathering dust, like shares in a company. You can rent out a home or apartment to young couples and families, before either moving in or selling when retirement arrives. Property in New South Wales has the ability to both appreciate and depreciate in value over time. This means that there is a sense of risk involved here, much like stocks and shares, precious metals and any other “collection”. However, those that pick the right property at the right time have the potential to build upon their assets.

Choosing the right property at the right time.

This can be tricky. There is more to finding a good property than choosing one that seems to be a bargain at the time. It is all about the ongoing appeal of the building as a prime piece of real estate in the future. This is important for all those that want to use these apartments as rental properties for extra income and sell them in the future. Look for areas on the rise where low-cost property could see a large increase with time. Developing commuter towns and suburbs are a key area of interest where growth of infrastructure and the local economy can improve average house prices. A property investment expert can help you to get ahead of trend with new developments and areas that are due for a boost.

Sydney may be the capital of New South Wales, but that doesn’t mean that a central apartment in the city is the best bet. Forecast growth of 3 to 5% for 2017 is expected in the more suburban areas, these quieter regions where workers can commute and enjoy a different lifestyle. This includes Bondi, Surry Hills and Ashfield. Newcastle meanwhile has shown steady increases in the past five years, with a new image as a tourist-friendly waterfront city with a difference.

The right guidance is essential here because the best properties disappear fast.

There is a sense of risk in ​building wealth through investment property with this gamble on the best towns and best prices. This only increases with ongoing attention from foreign investors. Recent figures show that 25% of new housing in NSW goes to foreign buyers. 80% of this is Chinese demand for cheaper homes than the Chinese average. Opportunities here for local buyers have decreased, but shrewd, patient buyers can get a great deal that will aid their future and retirement.


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